The Friendliest Competitive Golf Club in the Mid-Atlantic Area
Dino's By-Laws
Dino’s Golf Club was established as a nonprofit organization for the sole purpose of its members to participate, in a competitive manner, in tournament golf.
The officers and committees of the club shall consist of the following:
Officers and Board of Governors Standing Committees:
- President - Fund Raising Committee
- VP/Treasurer - Golf Rules Committee
- Tournament Director - By-laws Committee
- Recording Secretary - Banquet Committee
All officers will be elected for a term of one (1) year commencing the first of November of each calendar year. Nominations of these officers are to be held during meetings during the months of July and August. A member who is nominated for an office must be present at the meeting he is nominated.
The election is to be held during the first meeting in September. No officer is to hold more than one elective office, unless on an interim basis. Voting for officers will be by a secret ballot, subject to a majority of those present, with at least 51% of membership and at least one (1) officer present.
Officers and Board of Governors
President – The president shall preside over all meetings of the club both regular and special. He shall have the power to call a special meeting at any time. He shall also have the power to select all committees, both standing and special. He will chair the Board of Governors.
VP/Treasurer – The VP/Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds entering the club from dues and other activities (50/50’s, parties, etc.). He shall arrange for the settlement of all club debts authorized for payment by the members of the club. He shall report the treasury balance at each meeting and give a detailed treasury report. He is also responsible for notifying the tournament chairman (prior to each tournament) of any member that is not current with dues.
Recording Secretary – The recording secretary shall keep an active record of all the business of the club meetings, both regular and special. He shall also read the minutes of the preceding meeting. When the club membership has reached capacity, a membership waiting list will be established and maintained by this officer. This waiting list will be provided to the tournament chairman. Membership waiting list will have priority regarding tournament play. He will also notify the perspective member when he becomes eligible for acceptance as a member of the club.
Tournament Director – The tournament director will select and arrange all tournaments to include tee times and which members will run them. The director will also determine if a rain out tournament is to be counted as an official tournament. The members selected to run a tournament will be responsible for arranging foursomes, games, and prize holes (long drive, closest to the pin, etc.). These members will also be responsible for collecting signed and attested scorecards upon the conclusion of the tournament.
Standing Committees
Golf Rules Committee - The rules committee will be selected by the president at the beginning of his term. His committee will consist of at least two members and they will establish all rules and regulations for the upcoming year pertaining to tournament golf. They will also act as arbiter for any disputes concerning violations of any golfing rules during tournament play. Their decision will be final. Any disputes must be brought to the attention of a committee member prior to the conclusion of the tournament. The golf rules committee chairman shall appoint at least one committee member to be present until the conclusion of all tournaments.
Bylaws Committee – The bylaws committee will be selected by the president at the beginning of his term. This committee will consist of at least two members. They will investigate and report any and all suggested amendments to the club bylaws and shall maintain the same at all times. Each suggested revision or amendment will be reported, reviewed and discussed at a regularly scheduled meeting. If it is decided the revision or amendment has merit, it will be further reviewed by the bylaws committee for appropriate action. At the next regularly scheduled club, meeting the revision or amendment will be presented by the bylaws committee for final vote. If accepted, the revision or amendment will be immediately implemented into the club’s bylaws.
Meetings of the Club
All regular meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month for the months of January through April, October and November. No meetings will be held in December. The Board of Governors Reserves the right to call to order a club meeting immediately following a regular scheduled tournament. The duration of a tournament meeting shall not exceed 30 minutes.
All regular meetings will start at 7:00 p.m.
A majority vote will consist of at least 51% of the active members present at the meeting. At least 20 % of the active members, including two officers need to be present at any meeting in order to enact any official business requiring a vote.
Nonmembers of the club, except those being sponsored for membership in the club, will not be permitted to attend meetings.
The membership shall be limited to 28 (amended 7/05) dues paying members including all officers and committees. The charter shall be closed until such time as the membership falls below the established figure. There will be a certified waiting list of prospective and approved candidates who want to join the club maintained at all times by the recording secretary. The eligibility for membership shall include:
Only persons who are 21 years of age or older.
The candidate must actively serve for one year on at least one standing committee as directed by the officers of the club.
All candidates will remain in temporary status for the first six months of their membership. After six months the Board of Governors will review the candidate’s participation in club activities. The Board of Governors will then vote to accept or decline permanent membership for each temporary candidate.
Candidates must be approved by a majority of those members present and voting at the meeting when the nominations are made. When a member who in good standing resigns from the club through no fault of their own, (job transfers, health reasons, etc.) they may be reinstated without paying the initiation, and the club would be expanded to 29. If another member would resign the membership would drop to 28, it would have to drop to 27 before a nominee from the waiting list would be eligible for acceptance.
Dues, Collection, Fees, Etc.
The dues are 1/8th the annual dues per month for the months of January through August of each year. Every member is responsible for a total payment of the annual dues by August 31st of each year. The annual dues will be established in January’s general meeting. Acceptance of the dues will be by majority vote of the members in attendance.
A $100.00 nonrefundable initiation fee is due from each new member.
In order for a member to be eligible to participate in a tournament or any club function, a member must have dues paid up. Dues can be paid the day of the tournament or function. All dues must be paid by August 31st, and if not, after being contacted by the club treasurer the dues remain unpaid, the member will be dropped from the rolls. After two consecutive missed dues, a member will be considered a voluntary quit.
In the event a member has to miss a minimum of three consecutive tournaments from the result of a medical cause, shall be refunded $25.00 for each tournament missed. The refund will be credited to the member's next year in good standing with the club.
All new members must submit at least five of their most recent scores in order to establish a handicap for the next tournament.
The USGA handicap rating system will prevail.
Proposed Amendment: (accepted by Membership 4/12/19)
Flights will be established as follows: At the beginning of the year; prior to the first tournament, the number of members assigned in order of handicap from the lowest to the highest, divided by the number of flights.
The number of flights that the club will play under will be dependent on the quantity of members. The flight systems are defined as follows:
20 or members – Four flight system. The flights are identified as “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. “A” Flight will be comprised of the members with the lower handicaps.
15 to 20 members – Three flight system. The flights are identified as “A”, “B”, “C”. “A” Flight will be comprised of the members with the lower handicaps.
14 members or less – Single flight system. All members will play under the same flight. Three winners will be declared for each regular season tournament. The winners will be the three members with the lowest net scores.
There will be a minimum of nine (9) tournaments plus the championship round scheduled per year. All tournaments up to the championship round will count towards tournament play. In order to qualify for the flight championship, a member must have played in a minimum of 60% of the scheduled tournaments prior to the championship round(s). NOTE: The required number of tournaments will be rounded to the nearest whole integer, i.e.:
60% of nine tournaments = 5.4 = 5 qualifying tournaments
60% of eleven tournaments = 6.6 = 7 qualifying tournaments
The first tournament will be subject to the discretion of the tournament committee, and the last tournament in SEPTEMBER.
A nonqualified member is only eligible to win prizes in those tournaments in which he participates. A flight champion is defined as the member of the flight with the lowest total net score calculated from the lowest qualifying tournaments.
Any ties will result in co-flight champions.
The championship will be comprised of the final two rounds of the current season. These two rounds are defined as the “post season.” The location(s) of the post season rounds will be determined by the Tournament Director and approved by the club. The following outline defines eligibility for participation in the post season.
All Flight Champions are automatically qualified to participate in the two championship rounds.
The remaining members, who have met the required minimum tournaments, are eligible to participate in the first round of the post season. Out of this group, “wild card” players will qualify to continue competing in the second post season round. The wild card players will be those qualifying members that bring the number of championship competitors to 8 including ties. If the club does not have 8 or more members who meet the required minimum tournaments the “post season” may be less than 8 members.
Qualification of “wild card” participants: The wild card players will be based on the lowest accumulative net average of total qualifying tournaments (60%) plus the first post season round.
The first post season round will not count as a season qualifying tournament.
In the event that one of the post season rounds is cancelled due to weather, the champion will be determined by the lowest net score for the round completed amongst the following participants:
With four flights: All flight champions and second place finishers within each flight, who have qualified
With three flights: All flight champions, flight runner ups and two wild card players including ties. The wild card players are the two players with the lowest net averages from the rest of the members.
The Club Champion will be decided by the lowest net score for the two post season rounds (36 holes) unless the second round is cancelled due to weather. If a tie for the lowest net score exists after all post season scoring has concluded, those members will be Co-Champions.
The club will pay the cart fees associated with the post season tournament(s) for those participants.
Post Season Round #1: All flight champions will have their cart fees covered by the club. All other participants will be responsible for their cart fees.
Post Season Round #2: The club will cover the cart fees for all qualified participants.
Proposed Amendment (Accepted 6/02/19)
Club Championship under the Non-Flight System:
Under the non-flight system, all members that have enough qualifying rounds will be eligible to participate in the club championship. The Club Champion will be determined by the player with the lowest net total for the two championship rounds.
In addition to the Club Champion, an award will be presented to the player with the most top tournament wins. The recognition is defined as the “Season Tournament Champion”
Post Season Rounds: The club will cover the cart fees, of the four players with the lowest net average, for both post season rounds.
Prizes - Proposed Amendment (accepted 4/28/19)
1. Prizes under 3 or 4 Flight Systems
a. Every tournament will have: flight winners and long drive and closest to the pin for each flight.
b. Flight Champion for each flight, based on the best 60% out of the qualifying tournaments (see Section VII).
2. Prizes under the Non-Flight System
a. Every tournament will have three tournament winners. The three winners will be those players with
the lowest net scores. Lowest Net Winner receive a higher stipend than the 2nd and 3rd lower net
b. Long Drive and Closest to the Pin – the membership will be divided into two divisions, A and B. The
mean handicap will be determined and the A division will be comprised of the lower handicap
players. Each division will have a long drive and a closest to the pin winner.
3. Club Prizes
c. Club Champion(s)
d. Lowest gross score in the club of the completed sanctioned tournaments.
e. Lowest net round(s) of the season.
f. Most improved golfer.
For any tragedy associated with a club member, the club will send flowers or any other gratuity deemed appropriate in an amount determined reasonable and appropriate by the officers of the club.
The Board of Governors will audit the books twice each year, November and July, and report their findings to the club membership by the next meeting.
In the event that the club ceases to be a functioning body, and the decision is made to dissolve the club, the remaining treasury will be divided equally among those members that have no dues owed in arrears.
The Board of Governors will consist of all elected officers. They will also act as fact finders and report to the membership for action.
The bylaws were last reviewed and edited on July 30, 2019.
**Addendum # 1
Every Member Responsibility to the Membership of Dino's Golf Club
"I hereby acknowledge and agree as part of my membership in the Dino's Golf Club I am responsible for the present and future well-being of the club.
I also understand it is not a requirement of my membership but implied I participate in as many of the club's activities as possible.
This could or does include (when possible): attending business meetings, serving on committees, holding elected office, fund raising, coordinate or assist in the management of a tournament, timely no show communication, recommend new members or other activities that support the success of the club."